Yak Safari in India

Yak Safari in India is something unique and thrilling experience which one will cherish for long. The yak moves through the trails amidst the sceninc beauty of the hilly regions of Ladakh, Sikkim and Himachal pradesh. People who go on Yak Safari get to view lustrous places like vales, lakes, streams, snow clad peaks, green pastures, dense wood and lots more. Yaks are animals that live in herds and they can be trained to become a good carrier. Male yaks wander lonely and they are mostly used in yak safari. There are both wild and domestic Yak in the Indo Tibetian region.

Prior booking is needed for Yak Safari in India.

Things to take while going on a Yak Safari
1. Shoes are sandals that are comfortable enough
2. Snacks and water bottles (suffient quantity)
3. Medical kit
4. camera
5. Binocular
6. Woolen clothes
7. Extra pair of clothes
8. Sunglasses
9. First aid kit
10. Flash light with extra batteries
11. Extra food
12. Camping tents (if staying in jungles in the night)

Things to be noted down before going on Yak Safari
1. The majestic animals should not be disturbed or poked with during the safari
2. It is better to go in groups and more fun if the group consists of people of same age group
3. The tourism and travel department's rules and regulations should be strictly followed.

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