
Trekking a Travel Hobby

Trekking is a very great but costly hobby. Trekking can be considered as both a sport and also a type of travelling. In general trekking can be called as hiking through rugged and rural territory for many days. There are many people who started trekking as a hobby and have got it converted it into a profession.

Unlike many other types of travel, trekking is less structured. Trekking is mainly influenced by topography and weather conditions . Trekkers gain a lot of natural and scenic knowledge as they always travel close to nature. Most of the trekkers travel through even an entire range of mountains. There are lots of mountain ranges across the world where trekking can be done. The most famous trekking ranges are Himalayas and Andes. Trekking can be done even on smaller mountains or hills. It mainly depends upon the number of participants and the likes of the group.

Many hill resorts and home stays in India offer trekking in and around the region where they are located.

1 comment:

  1. I wonderment why other professionals don't respond your website overmuch m happy I plant this.
    Mustang Trekking


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