Tips for Trekkers in India

Many a times, when we go and stay in hill resorts or home stays they themselves arrange for trekking trips up the hilly terrain. It is better to know some tips and tricks while going on trekking.

1. Carry light luggage.

2. Carry light woollen dresses.

3. Carry tent that is light in weight but it have to fit for the number of trekkers.

4. It is necessary to carry substantial food, edible and eatables.

5. Now a days lots of ready to cook dishes are available in the market, it is better to carry them when you are going on trekking.

6. Carry enough bread, biscuits toffee, chocolates also.

7. Trekking should be done along with some one who knows very well about the place. The person should know better about the terrain, locality climate etc.

8. Carry necessary medicines for fever, headache, painkillers etc. It is necessary to carry band aids and skin ointments also.

9. Though there will be a person who knows about the terrain, it is better to take a weapon (like small knife) for self protection.

10. It is better to carry sun screen lotions, moisturising lotions and creams to keep the skin as normal as possible.

11. A sleeping bag with a carry mat should be taken along as the place where the camp will be set up will not be known. But it is better to set up the camp in flat surface.

12. If ever you are lost, never panic rather staying calm and think about ways to get out of trouble will always help. Better think as a team in such situations and decisions should be taken unanimously rather than each and every one giving different suggestions.

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